If I build it, they will come!

If there is one thing that 2020 taught me, is that those who, do not adapt to change do not survive.

From the time I started my business I was always observed the direction of the winds. Looking for opportunities and refocusing and reinventing as often as I can. Never have I been a fan of remote interpreting or safety training. In-person interpretation and hands-on teaching has always been much more effective and enjoyable. Although I have recognized that it is a possible option, I have resisted it to follow best practices.

Although I still feel the same way, I believe that Archway Safety will be creating new options that include remote and online teaching. Some research that I recently did showed how although in person training is more effective, it is not always plausible for a company to offer it. Online training has a place for on-boarding because this way, as people get hired, they are trained and are given the information they need. Studies have shown that this option is better than nothing at all.

My goal for Archway in the coming years is to provide a wide range of online and remote training and to provide clients with customized training for their needs. They will be able to access it on our website at their convenience. These online options will allow us to provide a greater reach of our services beyond the southeast.

I plan to offer this not as a replacement to in-person training but as an option and complement to that training. For instance, OSHA requires that forklift training be done both in a classroom but that there be an in-person evaluation of skills.

Our goal is to provide this kind of hybrid training. The client can take our online fall protection class, forklift, or scissor lift class and then we can arrange to come onsite to complete the training in person. For Hazwoper classes, we can provide an online or remote training and then come on site to do the hands-on learning activities.

The foundation for all of this has already been developed. My goal is to create the courses and make them available. In the meantime, if any company is interested in obtaining a custom program, that would give us incentive to put that up to the front of the line.

Either way, we started working on this in 2020 as a response to the pandemic and we will continue to develop it over time. My hope is that If I build it, you will come!

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Archway also bridges the gap in communication by offering a wide variety of interpreting and translation services.

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