No-Cost Fall Protection

It delights me to announce that Archway Safety Consulting & Language Services and Greenville Tech are collaborating to provide a comprehensive yet easy to understand Fall Prevention/Protection class along with a Fall Prevention/Protection Train-the-Trainer class. These trainings will be funded through the 2019 Susan Harwood Grant.  This is great news for upstate workers and companies. The grant funding allows participants to register at no charge.

We have been developing the program for some time. The idea was to create a program in both English and Spanish that will benefit all workers, regardless of education level.

OSHA has long recognized that Hispanic workers statistically suffer from fatal falls at a much greater rate than any other group. Part of the reason is that they are often given the most perilous jobs with the least amount of training. Additionally, lack of adequate training is due to the language barrier.

Individuals and companies in the Carolinas can take advantage of this opportunity to receive complimentary fall prevention/protection education. Arrangements can be made with Greenville Tech. However, if companies wish to call me directly to conduct the class, I will be happy to arrange it. We can offer the safety course in English and Spanish for your employees. In addition, if you wish for your safety personnel to become trainers, a Train-the-Trainer course is available at your own convenience.

Please remember that grant-funded training is not free. It is paid for through our tax money. We worked meticulously to create an effective and beneficial training to save lives. It is priceless. The course was submitted to OSHA for approval. An OSHA representative had to view the presentation before permission was granted. Sometime in 2021, the entire course will be available to the public as grant-produced material. I especially hope that those of you who know me with a substantial Hispanic crew call me. This really is a rare and special opportunity.