Adventures in interpreting II

Here we go again. It was 9:00 p.m., almost bedtime.  I was winding down talking with my daughter about her homework when the phone rang.  Emily runs in the room with the ringing phone saying, “You deal with it!”

“Hello,” I answered.  “Mr. Alfonso, it’s me the guy that asked you to run across town a couple of months back. Do you remember me?”  How could I forget?  A perfect stranger calls me to quickly do an unusual interpreting job over the phone across town in the evening in a shady neighborhood.

Now he wanted me to once again run across town and find a new person he needed to speak with. It was late and dark outside, and I was to knock on a stranger’s door, identify myself, and tell the person at the door what the man on the phone is saying.

Without getting into too much detail, it took a couple of address attempts but we found what we were needed.  At first, people I reached thought I was a cop or a detective.  There was some back and forth lively conversation between the people I met and the person on my cell phone but in the end, it all worked out again.

How do I get myself into these crazy things? In the end it was another adventure in interpreting.

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