Jeffrey Alfonso

city road traffic people

A sense of urgency is vital in safety culture -Attitudes

Many companies’ website declare that safety is a core value. However, when supervisors and company leaders are rewarded for production and not held accountable for lack of safety, the message received from the top brass is that worker safety is unimportant. Early in this series, I mentioned that the biggest challenge in creating a sense […]

A sense of urgency is vital in safety culture -Attitudes Read More »

city road man people

On-Site visitation

In addition to consulting, we provide onsite safety inspections and mock OSHA inspections. The more proactive a company can be in uncovering any potential hazards, the better they will be able to successfully protect their workers. An adage reminds us that a stitch in time saves nine. Mock OSHA inspections are useful in helping companies

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woman swimming in the pool

Difficult Medical Interpreter Moments Part 3 (Turning Point)

For workers’ compensation interpreting assignments, our company was often assigned injured workers for the duration of their claim. Additionally, because my company provides both healthcare and court interpreting, we would render services at the end of the claim. The following is one of the most heartbreaking experiences I ever had. I was assigned to interpret

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operator sitting inside forklift

Safety Translation

Many years ago, we began to translate my PowerPoints files and other safety training materials in Spanish. At first, we obtained different Spanish training materials and tried to use them; they were terrible. Quickly, we realized most of the Spanish training material was likely done by bilingual safety professionals raised in the United States or

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city road traffic people

A Sense of Urgency Is Vital In Safety Culture: Metrics

When it comes to creating a sense of urgency in a safety culture, how we measure safety is important. However, measurement is difficult to relate in a blog. Some of my clients have very advanced safety metrics, while other clients have only begun. Each company will measure differently. There are certain measurements that are very

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woman examining eyesight in medical clinic

Safety Consulting Perspectives

It’s my experience that companies with a great safety program also invest in consultants. There is a good precedent for this. Even competent safety teams often see things from one perspective. They learn to seek particular problems and at times can miss even the most obvious problems. As a safety consultant, I never think that

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One of my Most Difficult Medical Interpreter Moments Part 2

A flagger worker was hit by a car. He suffered a broken arm and leg. I was called in to interpret for this patient. Eventually, the doctor determined that surgery would be needed to install a metal brace to keep a leg bone in place. Surgery was scheduled at an outpatient surgery center which required

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For many years, I have been instructing OSHA safety for Greenville Technical College (GvlTec). After attending the Hazardous Waste Operations Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) course sponsored by the National Partnership Environmental Technology Education (PETE) in Davenport, Iowa in 2019, GvlTec used me for HAZWOPER training as well. Toward the end of 2019, our company earned distinction

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city road traffic people

A sense of urgency is vital in safety culture -Our Message-

To create a strong company culture of safety with a sense of urgency, you must think about what you say and how you say it. Once again, we must strike a balance between being perceived as overreacting or indifferent. Our message needs to reflect recognition when things are moving in a positive direction and when

A sense of urgency is vital in safety culture -Our Message- Read More »

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