Jeffrey Alfonso

No-Cost Fall Protection

It delights me to announce that Archway Safety Consulting & Language Services and Greenville Tech are collaborating to provide a comprehensive yet easy to understand Fall Prevention/Protection class along with a Fall Prevention/Protection Train-the-Trainer class. These trainings will be funded through the 2019 Susan Harwood Grant.  This is great news for upstate workers and companies.

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Tornado experience

On Saturday, April 25, 2020 a tornado struck my house at around 9:15 pm. With wind speeds of 115 miles per hour, our 15 trees, reaching over 90 feet were toppled. Only one tree remained standing. Several landed on my house, causing damaged roof trusses, interior wall, and ceiling damage.   When it began, I

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Interpreting at Aquatic Therapy

A number of years ago, I was assigned for the first time to interpret for a patient receiving aquatic therapy. I was in a large, indoor, aquatic center. The atmosphere was quite warm in order to keep the swimmers comfortable. I stood uncomfortable, sweating profusely on the side of the pool shouting instructions to the

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twitter, facebook, together

Social media and antisocial behavior

No doubt you are familiar with this scenario. You walk into a room and say hello to everyone.  No one responds, because they all seem to be zombies with their mouths slightly open and their complete attention on the television.  In fact you can just about say anything like “I quit my job” or “I

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What I learned from chronic illness

Shortly after September 11, 2001 I found myself with a very bad cold. (Click here for my experience on 911.) I was coughing and short of breath. The cold became bronchitis, and seemed to go on forever. My doctor referred me to an allergist. My allergist referred me to a pulmonologist, noticing something in the

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œil, iris, view

Being watched by another interpreter!

From time to time, I find myself interpreting at an assignment and another interpreter observes. It is not the most comfortable feeling to have someone listen to everything you say, ready to point out any mistake that is made. This is the case sometimes when I have been assigned to interpret by the insurance company,

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When the interpreter has to deal with someone flirting

I originally wrote this in 2012. I find it funny because it still happens from time to time. Sometimes the interpreter finds himself in very unusual circumstances.  I have talked about the uncomfortable feeling of interpreting vulgar language. How about interpreting for someone inappropriately flirting? A while back, I was assigned to interpret for a

When the interpreter has to deal with someone flirting Read More »

Data from Star Trek

Bad News

I originally wrote this in 2011 and since that time the experience has occurred over and over again. It never gets easier. I was recently interpreting for a patient at a doctor’s appointment. The doctor entered the room and in a very clear, straight forward way, told the patient that he had tried everything he

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