Jeffrey Alfonso

hand, counting, fingers

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said.

Interpreters must be diligent in following ethical guidelines. A while back, I was assigned to interpret at a doctor’s office.  When I arrived and introduced myself to the patient, he stated, “I already have an interpreter!”  The interpreter entered the office, wondering why I was there.  A few moments later, a nurse case manager came […]

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said. Read More »

Problems with Workers Comp Interpreters.

This series of blog articles were written in 2011. Since that time Jeff has become a CCHI certified Healthcare interpreter. Although we respect IMIA and the code of ethics are very similar, we have now adopted the CCHI code of ethics not mentioned in this blog. What shocks me is that after all this time,

Problems with Workers Comp Interpreters. Read More »

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Conduits of communication?

For many years, I have been describing the role of the healthcare interpreter as a conduit for communication. The mental image that this creates, is one of a machine. A telephone for instance is impersonal. It truly is a conduit of communication. Human beings, however, are far more complex than a simple telephone. To simply

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Good communication fosters a strong safety climate part 2

Good communication fosters a strong safety climate part 2 In part one, we reviewed communication breakdowns at home and with the first recorded skyscraper in ancient history, the Tower of Babel. We discussed how important communication is and how challenging it is to do well in our own language.  Now grasp the degree of challenge

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Medical interpreter options in SC

Medical interpreter options in SC In recent years, there have been many changes in the USA health care sector. We have observed changes in the way doctors practice medicine.  Also, hospitals have been consolidating. In March of 2010, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known by most people as Obamacare was enacted into law.

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Good communication fosters a strong safety climate part 1

Words matter! Good communication is essential for any company to succeed. Bad communication can result in disaster. Dialog begins with two seemingly simple steps, talking and listening. I say seemingly, because I observe people all the time speak what they think is clear and plain language, yet others have trouble comprehending what was said.  Listening

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Who cares what the difference is between an interpreter and a translator?

Who cares what the difference is between an interpreter and a translator? If you look at my website and some of my blogs over the years, I attempted to educate people as to the distinction between the two terms. However, more and more, that distinction is becoming less important to me. First, I will explain

Who cares what the difference is between an interpreter and a translator? Read More »

Notice of discontinuation of transportation services

Earlier this month, Alfonso Interpreting & Transporting issued the following announcement. I want to thank you for trusting in Alfonso Interpreting for your interpretation and transport needs. Workers’ Compensation and liability insurance continue to increase for us, while lower cost services such as Uber and Lyft have continued to rise as competitors.  Due to the

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