Bad News! The Adjuster

woman in black blazer talking on the phone

Imagine having the great responsibility for providing care to an injured worker. He isn’t just an injured worker, though. He is also a son, a loving husband, and a father or uncle that has always provided for his family. He is a good man, a hard worker, loyal and generally kind. He was an active man that loved to play with his children and participate in sports.  Let me tell you, he could pull some pretty smooth moves with his wife on the dance floor. He loved to have friends over to grill burgers and play volleyball.

But now, the life of this man, this injured worker, has radically changed. In fact, he might never be able to work again. He lives in constant pain, and his family suffers with him. Sports are now only a memory, and forget about being able to play with the kids. Not being able to play with his children just kills him. He does not like going to social events because he cannot do much, and to make matters worse, he can’t bear to watch his wife sitting out a dance to a great song because he can’t take her out.

Whose fault was it? It was nobody’s fault. It was an accident. The adjuster opens the case, follows it closely as he arranges the patient’s care. How does one cope when dealing with these cases every single day, year after year? The answer is that it is tough!

I know an adjuster who changed careers for greater peace of mind. Insurance companies are often painted as the evil, heartless enemy seeking to save money at the claimant’s expense. The adjuster is the cold-hearted maniacal enforcer charged with keeping cost down at the expense of the patient.

Let me just say that I know some adjusters out there who care deeply for the patient and feel empathy for the suffering family. Coping is necessary every day. They do the best they can to help the patient. Sadly, the adjuster is incapable of creating miracles and healing people with permanent injuries.

We all serve a purpose and the adjuster plays a vital role in the care of the patient. I wish people wouldn’t demonize the adjusters when often they are the ones trying to help. Just like there are good and bad people in all aspects of life, there are good and bad adjusters.

This is dedicated to a certain adjuster that I deeply respect after a meaningful conversation with him. He helped me to see another point of view and I appreciate that. You know who you are.

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