How Conference Interpreting Fills Your Need: Part 2

Every single event requiring simultaneous interpretation has very different needs. Perhaps you don’t have international delegates attending your three-day seminar.  It’s possible that your international audience is your immigrant employees.  Our services can help you also.

Company Meeting

In this case, due to a very small location and meeting time of less than 2.5 hours, cutting-edge conference interpreting solutions were not used. Only a transmitter and receivers for limited English proficient employees were utilized. However, one thing that never changes is the use of professional conference interpreting teams to assure accuracy for your peace of mind.

For many company meetings, be they training sessions, quarterly updates, or human resource sessions, conference interpreting solutions including an ISO 4043 compliant mobile interpreter booth is used.  Investing in sound conference interpreting solutions can increase the participation of LEP employees in benefits packages (too few participants and a company can lose its plan), reduce the number of workers’ compensation claims, and reduce a company’s liability if it is sued by an employee.


Both international summits and company meetings require top notch professional conference interpreters.  What changes is the type of conference interpreting solutions required based on location and time duration. Our goal is to provide every customer with great value and successful events.

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Archway also bridges the gap in communication by offering a wide variety of interpreting and translation services.

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