It has been one crazy year!

bridge, japanese garden, arch

Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog reboot. Hopefully, I have not lost too many followers. Let’s begin with a 2020 recap of our company. Next, 2021 intentions will be shared with you.

First, I am very grateful because we survived! The beginning of 2020 was exciting, hopeful, and full of plans.

  1. I began attending Columbia Southern University with the goal of obtaining my degree in Occupational Safety and Health.
  2. I began collaborating with Greenville Tech on developing and teaching a fall prevention/fall protection program through a Susan Harwood Grant in both English and Spanish.
  3. We also had a clear goal to become an 8A certified minority business.
  4. We expanded our services and taught more Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) classes.
  5. Our company name changed to Archway Safety Consulting & Language Services to better reflect what our current specialties are.
  6. In line with that, we also eliminated cut transporting injured workers to their appointments to focus solely on safety and language services.
  7. Coronavirus descended upon us and eradicated 95% of our work!
  8. To add insult to injury, an EF-2 tornado ploughed through my house, inflicting massive damage to our home, toppling huge 150-year-old trees tossed everywhere, displacing our family.
  9. Post-coronavirus and post-tornado, we attempted to adapt our business to the new pandemic reality as our home was rebuilt.

For all these reasons, our blog ended abruptly last year. We found ourselves too overwhelmed to maintain it. Survival was our priority. Our battered abode needed reconstruction; our business required the uninterrupted quality services for which it is known. There was time for nothing else.

As I wrote this post, I just realized I created an outline for future blog posts. Every bullet point is a subject all its own. Now you received your sneak peek for the coming weeks. Nevertheless, I did promise to inform you our plans for THIS year. So here goes!

  1. We plan to become 8A certified as a minority business.
  2. We are growing our team of bilingual safety professionals.
  3. Increased Hazwoper services, especially training for company Hazmat teams.
  4. Continued collaboration with Greenville Tech likely on Hazwoper.
  5. We plan to grow our consulting and on-site inspection services.
  6. We plan to increase our safety translation and voiceover services.
  7. We plan to develop a strategy to assist small Hispanic businesses in protecting their workers.
  8. We plan to seek out new legal and medical interpreting opportunities.
  9. I want to finally get that degree in Occupational Safety and Health.

Wow! I believe I have listed five months’ worth of blogs and I have only just gotten started.

I want this year to be collaborative. So please, I would love to engage with you in conversation. I am seeking out help and would love to hear your opinions and ideas. This is not just a business for me, this is another way to provide a valuable service to my community. We are trying to do good and prevent injuries to workers by providing effective safety consulting and training. We also want to help improve lives by providing quality professional medical and legal interpreting.

My e-mail is  If you do not want to talk on the comments section of my blog, send me an e-mail.

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Archway also bridges the gap in communication by offering a wide variety of interpreting and translation services.

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