When Ethics and Common Sense Collide in Medical Interpreting

It never fails that at least one session at the American Translators Association annual convention results in a very entertaining, lively debate over interpreter ethics. Entertaining for me, not at all for those involved in the debate. Especially if it disrupts the presentation and the speaker is being attacked. For me, the debate typically falls […]

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Does ATA have Conflicting Loyalties?

I have heard the following statement many times: “ATA has conflicting loyalties! It is a conflict of interest to have an association represent both interpreters/translators and agencies. I cannot warn others or complain about an agency’s bad practices on a forum because it is against the rules since agencies are also members.”

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A special request to my ATA interpreter colleagues

Dear Colleagues: The American Translators Association has the tagline, “The Voice of Interpreters and Translators.” Close to half the membership is interpreters and yet, very few are voting members! Are you a professional interpreter? Do you have one or more of the following certifications:  certified healthcare interpreter, certified medical interpreter, federally certified court interpreter, or

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Highlights From the 2015 CATI Conference

This year, the CATI conference occurred on 3/14/15, Pi day. This summit is so important to me, I actually missed a Greenville, South Carolina event, Pieapalooza. Every year on pi day, a group of colleagues attend this event bearing their best attempt at a delicious pie. We all eat each other’s pies and choose our

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Transparency at American Translators Association

You spend the entire weekend cleaning your home from top to bottom. The place looks great. All that’s left is a sink full of dirty dishes. Some friends drop by unexpectedly. Did they notice your immaculate dwelling? Do they appreciate all your toil? Unlikely; when things are fine, nobody seems to notice. However, most assuredly,

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Living Out Of My Comfort Zone

My existence is a miserable one, and I have brought it all upon myself. This is because I keep choosing difficult projects and surround myself with challenging people. Take my wife, Emily, of 23 years. She is an extremely intelligent, brilliant, and talented person. This means that I am always kept on my toes. When

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Clashing Sentiments Regarding ATA Issues

Not long ago, I wrote a blog about current issues in the ATA. The dual purpose was to encourage members to evaluate the stated goals of the candidates and vote. A great effort was made to present the issues and to lay out facts uncovered from the ATA website. It stayed away from being judgmental

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A Social Review of the American Translators Association Conference in Chicago

Once again this year, the American Translators Association hosted its successful 55th annual conference (ATA55) in Chicago with an audience of 1,842 of the smartest linguist in the world!  With approximately 190 educational sessions, it was an incredible opportunity for professional development, thereby polishing my skills as an interpreter.

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Gauging the Performance of Board Members

During the past week, I observed negative speech against the ATA board. I wrote a blog and then welcomed open frank conversation and that is exactly what I recieved. Accountability, public relations, and finances have been discussed. Some feel that the ATA board has not fulfilled its promises. Below is a summary of each current

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