
The Beauty and Craft of Conference Interpreting

I’m going to get a little philosophical here about what is artistic and beautiful. Both my daughter Lily and I like to bake. I like to claim that my desserts might not be pretty, but they are delicious. My daughter, on the other hand, not only makes them delicious, but also her desserts are aesthetically […]

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Life-Changing Opportunity at Greer Court

Sometimes I like to watch Emily interpret in court. I take a seat somewhere among the other people and just observe. Sure, you might think I’m prejudiced because she is my wife, but in my professional opinion, she does a super job! I really love watching a professional do her thing at the top of

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Assuring Accuracy with Certified Court Interpreters

When a civil complaint is filed in court, a person is arrested, or a petition for child custody is presented, the legal process begins.  When any of the parties involved speaks limited or no English, the danger exists for unfair treatment and infringement upon an individual’s due process rights.   During the legal process, a

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Qualification and Training of Court Interpreters

Whether spoken or written, words lost or miscommunicated due to inadequate interpretation or translation may interfere with the court’s ability to determine the facts and administer justice. For limited English proficient (LEP) individuals, accurate interpretation is the only way that they communicate their side of the story, preserve their evidence for the record, and challenge

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The Importance of No Cost Language Services

It is important for courts not to burden limited English proficient (LEP) parties by charging them for court interpreting services, an approach that is fraught with problems. Providing certified (and qualified when certification in a language is unavailable) interpreter assistance at no cost to the parties serves the interests of all involved. An LEP person

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Court Interpreters: Qualified versus Certified

Have you ever interviewed someone who did not meet the qualifications?  Did you feel cheated out of your precious time? After all, that’s at least an hour that you will never have again.  Have you ever hired someone and later discovered that person misrepresented his qualifications? You have squandered more resources and money with no

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Staff Court Interpreter for a Day

Most people take vacation. It is necessary for one to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge oneself to return to duty. When someone capable will cover the vacationing individual, the person leaves with a sense of relief. Staff interpreters also take vacation, but court dockets continue to be heard in their absence. The solution? Contract court interpreter

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The Judge and the Interpreter

Judges are busy court officers.  They have many hearings and trials to preside.  Additionally, they attend continuing education and serve on various committees.  When a judge hears a matter that has a limited English proficient (LEP) individual, a court interpreter will be needed.  How does the judge know that the interpreter will truly comply with

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Civil Court proceeding: Affecting life and property

Thankfully, most people are law-abiding residents. Nevertheless, this does not mean that they avoid civil actions.  Some of the most unsettling experiences these individuals have are eviction and child custody proceedings.  Ejectment from one’s established residence can cause great upheaval in that resident’s life.  Property and emotional well-being can be lost.  When divorcing and/or never

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Language Access in Criminal Court Proceedings

A deaf man convicted of DUI had his conviction overturned on appeal because he was denied a sign language interpreter during his trial. (2011) The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a drug and gun conviction on the grounds that a district judge erred by admitting comments made by the suspect after he

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