
Data from Star Trek

Bad News

I originally wrote this in 2011 and since that time the experience has occurred over and over again. It never gets easier. I was recently interpreting for a patient at a doctor’s appointment. The doctor entered the room and in a very clear, straight forward way, told the patient that he had tried everything he […]

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hand, counting, fingers

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said.

Interpreters must be diligent in following ethical guidelines. A while back, I was assigned to interpret at a doctor’s office.  When I arrived and introduced myself to the patient, he stated, “I already have an interpreter!”  The interpreter entered the office, wondering why I was there.  A few moments later, a nurse case manager came

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said. Read More »

Bad News from doctors

As mentioned in a previous post, lately I have had to interpret bad news to patients. It is one of those necessary responsibilities interpreters have to perform. For this post, I would like to talk about when the doctor has to give bad news. I have had many conversations with different doctors, some of whom

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A thumb is not a toe!

Recently I was assigned to interpret for a patient at a hospital for pre-surgery.  When the patient entered the room, the nurse explained to me that hospital policy required her to use the hospital’s interpreter. She explained that I could stay and listen. The nurse pulled out a telephone, placed it on speakerphone, and dialed

A thumb is not a toe! Read More »

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