
hand, counting, fingers

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said.

Interpreters must be diligent in following ethical guidelines. A while back, I was assigned to interpret at a doctor’s office.  When I arrived and introduced myself to the patient, he stated, “I already have an interpreter!”  The interpreter entered the office, wondering why I was there.  A few moments later, a nurse case manager came […]

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said. Read More »

Medical Interpreter Attentiveness

The following is a scenario that unfolds on a regular basis.  I arrive to interpret at a physical therapy appointment. They call the patient in to begin, and I accompany him. Step 1 is to begin at the treadmill for about ten minutes. As the patient is walking on the treadmill, I stand nearby. The

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Great Interpreter vs. Good Interpreter

I have a few pet peeves to discuss. Sometimes I run into exceptional interpreters who have some terrible habits; I also run into good interpreters with great work ethic. Guess which one I prefer to work with? By far, I prefer to deal with the good interpreter with the great work ethic. Arriving late: Nothing

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Six Action Items You Can Do to Limit Due Process Rights Violations in Court

South Carolina has become a larger melting pot since the 1990s.  Today in Spartanburg, there is a decent Russian language community.  In Laurens, there are many Guatemalans for whom Spanish is their second language.  South Carolina has pockets of Asian communities.  French and German speakers also abound.  Let us not forgot those who are hearing

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AI versus Court Interpreter

I have been watching the debate on artificial intelligence. Many translators will attest that only highly skilled human beings with knowledge and training can understand the nuances of human interaction can properly translate. Artificial intelligence such as Google Translate and other programs are not capable of performing as a human being.   Granted, they are

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When Ethics and Common Sense Collide in Medical Interpreting

It never fails that at least one session at the American Translators Association annual convention results in a very entertaining, lively debate over interpreter ethics. Entertaining for me, not at all for those involved in the debate. Especially if it disrupts the presentation and the speaker is being attacked. For me, the debate typically falls

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Alfonso Interpreting Logo on NASCAR #DSC500

Many of you know the Dollar Shave Club. I order shaving supplies along with shampoo, soaps, and other items! I like their products, they are value-priced, and they arrive conveniently at my home. This year, DSC ran a promotion to put 500 business logos from its loyal customers on Matt Tifft’s @NASCAR_Xfinity race car. My

Alfonso Interpreting Logo on NASCAR #DSC500 Read More »

What Are The Direct and Hidden Costs of Workplace Injuries?

Tony Rosario worked in construction as a roofer. He slipped and fell off the roof, resulting in a head injury and some broken bones. Due to his injuries, workers’ comp. insurance covered all his medical expenses.  What sort of medical expenses? Direct costs Hospital cost, doctor visits, testing such as X rays, and MRIs, physical

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Sexual Harassment & Interpreting

Sexual harassment is a very big issue on the minds of most people this year. The list of Hollywood power players accused of harassment or abuse is immense, perhaps only outdone by the list of politicians. What makes the story all the more interesting is that fact that more and more women have mustered the

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Life-Changing Opportunity at Greer Court

Sometimes I like to watch Emily interpret in court. I take a seat somewhere among the other people and just observe. Sure, you might think I’m prejudiced because she is my wife, but in my professional opinion, she does a super job! I really love watching a professional do her thing at the top of

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