interpreter training

Interpreting for development training

A positive company culture and safety environment are not always easy to accomplish. The larger the company, the more diverse the workforce, the greater the potential exists for difficulties arise. This is especially the case when you also add an immigrant workforce with the language barrier. All these different backgrounds and cultures often create a […]

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Our Difference – Conference Interpreting

Our goal is simple. We assist meeting and event planners pull off their events with technology-driven premium conference interpreting solutions. National and international conferences with foreign-speaking delegates need to accurately transmit the program to these limited English proficient (LEP) attendees.  How we do it makes all the difference! Over 25 years of experience with specialized

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When Good People Are Unethical: Cultural Awareness

Imagine this.  Instead of hiring a professional interpreter who is familiar with and cognizant of the code of ethics, an untrained bilingual person is hired to simply cover the assignment.   Without proper knowledge and training, the bilingual person serving as an “interpreter” will most likely unconsciously commit serious ethical violations while at the same

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Conference or Liaison Interpreter: What’s the difference?

Finding an Interpreter is similar to finding a doctor or lawyer. Imagine walking up to someone and telling them, “I need a lawyer!” Most likely the response would be another question such as “What kind of lawyer? If you were to reply, “No I need a lawyer, any lawyer,” there would be a problem. Why?

Conference or Liaison Interpreter: What’s the difference? Read More »

When Good People Are Unethical- Transparency (Interpreting)

Imagine this, instead of hiring a professional interpreter who is familiar and cognizant of the code of ethics, an untrained bilingual person is hired to simply cover the assignment.  Without proper knowledge and training, the bilingual person serving as an “interpreter” will most likely unconsciously commit serious ethical violations while at the same time thinking

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How Conference Interpreting Can Improve Diversity and Inclusion

Have you ever found yourself listening to a group of people speaking another language that you don’t understand? At first, curiosity kicks in and you simply speculate as to what they are saying. But then a few of them laugh and your insecurities surface. Our imaginations tend to run wild at times. “Are they laughing

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Interpretation, a promising career choice

If you are bilingual, I’m sure you have had the emotional experience of helping someone needing to communicate. Not long ago, my youngest daughter excitedly approached me and shared, “Daddy, I did my first interpretation job!” My daughter was pulled out of class to interpret for a Spanish-speaking woman at the school reception area. She

Interpretation, a promising career choice Read More »

Eleven Skills Conference Interpreters Must Possess

Try this exercise for just a few minutes. Listen to a TED talk and try repeating everything the speaker says. This requires you to listen and talk at the same time.  It’s called shadowing. Please take a moment and click on the link to begin. [spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”]

Eleven Skills Conference Interpreters Must Possess Read More »

A special request to my ATA interpreter colleagues

Dear Colleagues: The American Translators Association has the tagline, “The Voice of Interpreters and Translators.” Close to half the membership is interpreters and yet, very few are voting members! Are you a professional interpreter? Do you have one or more of the following certifications:  certified healthcare interpreter, certified medical interpreter, federally certified court interpreter, or

A special request to my ATA interpreter colleagues Read More »

16 Videos Interpreters and Translators Might Like

Below is a list of YouTube videos that I have shared over several years. They range from very serious public service announcements to very fun and silly video about words. I hope you enjoy!

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Archway also bridges the gap in communication by offering a wide variety of interpreting and translation services.

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