
Growing your Business through Tribe building.

In this blog I would like to talk about not just networking, but Tribe Building. When I first started my business, I joined the Chamber of Commerce and regularly participated in committees. This was very time consuming and was a waste of time and investment for me.

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Social Media Communication and the Smiley Face

     🙂     🙂  I have this special admiration for translators. They have an amazing ability to analyze minute details in the written word. Sometimes, translators cause me feel a little insecure. Whenever I communicate via Twitter, Facebook or some other social media, I just know that they are evaluating my sentence structure, spotting the misspelled

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An argument for professional interpreters – False Cognates

It is very common for me to be told “I don’t think that this claimant needs an interpreter. I believe he knows enough English to get by.” I also often hear, “Oh, we don’t need an interpreter because we have someone who knows quite a bit of Spanish.” Of course, as often is the case,

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Managing Stress through Exercise

A while back, I read an article critical of interpreters working in pairs at court. They viewed it as a waste and misuse of tax money to have two interpreters sitting together getting paid to take turns. It was obvious to me that the monolingual writer of the article had absolutely no idea how hard

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Extreme Moderation!

I know that picking a fight and going to an extreme makes for great drama, which in turn, is good for blog readership, so let me start one. I am here to take a stand on neutrality! I want to fight for the option “None of the above”, the write-in option. The unpopular yet courageous

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Interpreting in State Court

Are you excited when your state court administration calls you for an interpreting assignment? Are you dismayed at the interpreter pay?  Do the court officials make your life miserable? Some time ago, I e-mailed a colleague to ask her to send me her court certification.  She responded and wrote me that she is doing ministry

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Five steps to planning a great sales/marketing strategy for 2013 (first three)

Although it might seem time consuming, planning ahead for the year will turn out to be an efficient use of your time and effort. These steps assume that you already have a business plan. If you are in business and don’t have a business plan, I strongly suggest you prepare one and then review and

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Certified Court Interpreter – Finally

Alfonso Interpreting & Transporting, Inc. (AITI) is happy to announce that on Monday, October 29, 2012, Emily Ortiz Alfonso was designated as a certified court interpreter by the South Carolina Court Administration.

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A Sight for Sore Ears

The court reporter greeted me and declared “I’m so happy to see you.  The last few interpreters have been awful.  The agencies have been sending them.” Hearing stories like these make me glow with pride.  It means that my clients and related parties respect the service I perform.  They are secure in the knowledge that

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Assault and Butchery (linguistic interference)

I would imagine that a native Japanese speaker may cringe upon conversing with a Japanese-American.  Portuguese nationals may be appalled by Brazilian Portuguese.  There has been much jesting on the part of Britons that Americans have corrupted English. Have you ever heard of linguistic (or language) interference?  Honestly, I never heard the term until July

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