language services

Making a Difference

Let me begin by making a public plea for help. I want to make a difference and save lives! Studies have shown repeatedly that Hispanic workers are more likely to get injured and die at a higher rate than almost any group. Studies also show that the highest risk groups for injuries are small contractors […]

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turned on macbook

Legal Interpreting

Two thousand twenty – the year of the virtual meeting! Whatever sectors had been resisting technology were suddenly thrust into it. Sometimes change is gradual; it can also be abrupt and forceful. When quarantine mandates occurred in March of 2020, all interpreting and consulting work came to a swift halt. We had no idea when

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construction, worker, laborer

Reasons why Hispanic Construction Workers are at Greater Risk

This is Part I of an essay I wrote as part of my course work at Columbia Southern University. Most of the information I have understood for years and taught to others. This time, the research backs my experience and observation. According to The United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), “27.3 percent of

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Virtual Meetings and Events Define the 2020s

Two thousand twenty – the year of the virtual meeting! Whatever sectors had been resisting technology were suddenly thrust into it. Sometimes change is gradual; it can also be abrupt and forceful. When quarantine mandates occurred in March of 2020, all interpreting and consulting work came to a swift halt. We had no idea when

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Voiceover Services

The Simpsons is one of the longest-running North American television shows. Did you know that it has been dubbed in eight languages? A colleague relayed a story about a foreign national who came to the US for business. The visitor could speak English and was excited to watch The Simpsons in its original language. However,

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woman swimming in the pool

Difficult Medical Interpreter Moments Part 3 (Turning Point)

For workers’ compensation interpreting assignments, our company was often assigned injured workers for the duration of their claim. Additionally, because my company provides both healthcare and court interpreting, we would render services at the end of the claim. The following is one of the most heartbreaking experiences I ever had. I was assigned to interpret

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operator sitting inside forklift

Safety Translation

Many years ago, we began to translate my PowerPoints files and other safety training materials in Spanish. At first, we obtained different Spanish training materials and tried to use them; they were terrible. Quickly, we realized most of the Spanish training material was likely done by bilingual safety professionals raised in the United States or

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people on a video call

Virtual Court Proceedings: Friend or Foe?

In 1964, Title XI of the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination based on race, color, or national origin (limited English proficiency (LEP)). In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted. Their purpose is to ensure equal access by individuals who are protected by these laws. Agencies who receive federal funding must overcome the physical

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grind meat in glass bowl

One of my most difficult medical interpreter moments.

There are moments that we never forget. These occasions often change our viewpoint and how we do things in the future. I thought it would be interesting to share just a few of those moments with you now. One day, I received a call from a nurse case manager who needed me at a hospital

One of my most difficult medical interpreter moments. Read More »

worried young businesswoman with suitcase hurrying on flight on urban background

Minority Business Delay

Every year, I meet with my co-owner Emily to review our past year and plan our next year. Two thousand twenty prime goal was to become an 8A certified minority business. We were making slow steady progress. I believe we would have reached that goal within the year. However, the coronavirus pandemic stunned our business.

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