Legal Interpreting

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Legal Interpreting

Two thousand twenty – the year of the virtual meeting! Whatever sectors had been resisting technology were suddenly thrust into it. Sometimes change is gradual; it can also be abrupt and forceful. When quarantine mandates occurred in March of 2020, all interpreting and consulting work came to a swift halt. We had no idea when […]

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people on a video call

Virtual Court Proceedings: Friend or Foe?

In 1964, Title XI of the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination based on race, color, or national origin (limited English proficiency (LEP)). In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted. Their purpose is to ensure equal access by individuals who are protected by these laws. Agencies who receive federal funding must overcome the physical

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No More Transporting

One of the most agonizing decisions I had to take in 2020 was to discontinue providing transport services. When we incorporated in 2007, our clients were mostly language service companies that catered to workers’ compensation (WC) insurance companies. Also, we provided direct language services to a few WC carriers. Since we were compensated for interpreting

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It has been one crazy year!

Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog reboot. Hopefully, I have not lost too many followers. Let’s begin with a 2020 recap of our company. Next, 2021 intentions will be shared with you. First, I am very grateful because we survived! The beginning of 2020 was exciting, hopeful, and full of plans. I began attending Columbia

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I am tickled pink to be interpreting!

This was originally posted in 2011 with a couple of updates. When interpreting, accuracy is absolutely necessary. There is no room for mistakes. In a medical setting for example, the patient needs to know what the doctor is saying. Likewise, the doctor must know the patient’s concerns in order to perform his vital job correctly.

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The Biggest Court Interpreting Problem in South Carolina Part 2

Previously in this blog, we discussed the biggest court interpreting problem in South Carolina. We also commented on the SC Court Interpreter Policy and Procedure Guide, which negatively addresses the problem. Although court interpreters were instructed that this is the new guideline, clerks of court seem to be told that they are proposed guidelines. Amid

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What If I Need an Interpreter at Jail?

Criminal lawyers obtain their clients by private retention and appointment by the judge.  Before trial or a plea, the attorney meets with potential witnesses, conducts attorney?client meetings, including phone calls and jail visits, and appears in court. What happens if the monolingual lawyer has a client who is deaf, hard of hearing, or limited English

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There IS a Guideline for Scheduling Court Interpreters!

Some time ago, we published a blog, How do I schedule an interpreter because every SC county is different?  In it, we mentioned that the SC Judicial Branch didn’t seem to have a uniform standard system for scheduling interpreters.  Our bad.  The Palmetto State does have a standard.  Where is it? It’s in the South

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The Biggest Court Interpreting Problem in SC

As mentioned in previous blogs, South Carolina has a shortage of certified court interpreters, especially in languages other than Spanish (LOTS). Even if approximately two dozen Spanish interpreters were enough, the fact is that they often prefer to turn down assignments. This means that the actual pool of available certified interpreters is a lot less

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