Safety tips

city road traffic people

A sense of urgency is vital in safety culture -The Heart

As the previous blog introduced, a sense of urgency is important when creating a powerful safety culture. However, that sense of urgency must be real, not made up. People need to feel motivated to act safely. It begins with a feeling; motivation comes from the heart. So why not begin by sharing your safety vision. […]

A sense of urgency is vital in safety culture -The Heart Read More »

city road traffic people

A Sense of Urgency Is Vital in Safety Culture

Frequently, one of the most common problems I encounter regarding safety is that company leaders, supervisors, and managers don’t believe there is really a problem. When a safety person comes on board and recommends taking steps or changes, they often face opposition. Why go through all the additional steps if they’re completely unnecessary? Repeatedly, I

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Effective training for a powerful safety culture part 1

This blog was originally published in February, 2020. Corona Virus hit and so did a tornado and I stopped blogging. This is being republished so that Part two can make sense. We have already talked about the importance of clear communication for a healthy safety climate. Regular consistent safety training in the language’s employees understand

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No-Cost Fall Protection

It delights me to announce that Archway Safety Consulting & Language Services and Greenville Tech are collaborating to provide a comprehensive yet easy to understand Fall Prevention/Protection class along with a Fall Prevention/Protection Train-the-Trainer class. These trainings will be funded through the 2019 Susan Harwood Grant.  This is great news for upstate workers and companies.

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Good communication fosters a strong safety climate part 1

Words matter! Good communication is essential for any company to succeed. Bad communication can result in disaster. Dialog begins with two seemingly simple steps, talking and listening. I say seemingly, because I observe people all the time speak what they think is clear and plain language, yet others have trouble comprehending what was said.  Listening

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Empowering Employees part 2

In the previous blog, we discussed why it is so important for companies to seek participation and opinions from employees in order to have a vibrant safety culture. Superior military vehicles were developed as a result of designers seeking input from soldiers on the ground.  What are some ways a company can empower its employees?

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Empowering Employees part 1

A few years ago, I attended a Greenville Chamber of Commerce meeting featuring the CEO of a very successful company providing military vehicles to the government. He talked about how initially, it was very difficult to get a contract with the government. They work very hard to develop safe military vehicles. As part of the

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Training Leaders for a strong safety culture part 1

Supervisors are in the trenches so to speak. They oversee the actual work being performed and have authority to make changes and correct hazards. In the U.S. the most common system for advancing in a company is to reward productive workers by giving them a supervisory position. I often find this approach unproductive. Why? As

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Our previous safety blog talked about accountability; setting high expectations and then following through. We considered that even when you have economic and work pressures pushing against maintaining a high standard, the cost of not holding people responsible can be an even steeper price to pay.  What are some steps to take to guarantee accountability?


Accountability is essential for safety part 1

Accountability is essential for safety part 1 A while back, I conducted a class and discussed the importance of accountability in safety. I talked about the great examples of some local companies that set high expectations and hold people accountable. The example was that if you break a rule, like not wearing a piece of

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