
Interpreting for Company Meetings

Do you have a substantial number of Spanish-speaking workers? Is your workforce composed of a variety of languages and cultures? Are you struggling to lower injuries and improve safety culture? Does your HR department have trouble transmitting important information to immigrant employees?     Challenge Many great companies enjoy a wonderful reputation and offer amazing […]

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Court Interpreters: Qualified versus Certified

Have you ever interviewed someone who did not meet the qualifications?  Did you feel cheated out of your precious time? After all, that’s at least an hour that you will never have again.  Have you ever hired someone and later discovered that person misrepresented his qualifications? You have squandered more resources and money with no

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Conference Interpreting Teamwork

Most people have very little idea what is involved in conference interpreting. They hire, sign the contract, and move on to the other multitude of details needed to host an event. However, being aware of some of the challenges can help you make the right choice when hiring professional conference interpreters.   You receive a

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Three Ways to Sabotage a Multilingual Event

All professions evolve as new applications, technologies, and procedures take shape. A primary reason why conferences are held is to disseminate information. This promotes idea exchange between delegates and participants. When conferences are multilingual, the knowledge bank increases exponentially.  However, there are a number of ways a multilingual event can go awry. This will leave

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The Judge and the Interpreter

Judges are busy court officers.  They have many hearings and trials to preside.  Additionally, they attend continuing education and serve on various committees.  When a judge hears a matter that has a limited English proficient (LEP) individual, a court interpreter will be needed.  How does the judge know that the interpreter will truly comply with

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Human Resource Interpreting

Many companies have a culturally and linguistically diversified workforce creating challenges for their HR department. They are faced with the challenge to effectively communicate safety, company goals, policies, procedures and benefits to multilingual employees with limited English. Clear, efficient and timely communication between all parties in the company is necessary in order to assure safety

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Conference or Liaison Interpreter: What’s the difference?

Finding an Interpreter is similar to finding a doctor or lawyer. Imagine walking up to someone and telling them, “I need a lawyer!” Most likely the response would be another question such as “What kind of lawyer? If you were to reply, “No I need a lawyer, any lawyer,” there would be a problem. Why?

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What is required for state courts to provide proper language access?

Federally funded state courts are required to provide language services to all people, regardless of the language they speak or their English proficiency. Failure to provide access can interfere with the capacity of state courts to accurately evaluate the facts and fairly administer justice. Below is a list of six essential steps every state must

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Why do Court Interpreters Need this Information?

Trials are expensive. A good number of lawyers love them. Some attorneys hate them. Many persons have vowed to have their day in court, and that day usually involves a trial. Disagreements are why trials exist. When individuals cannot agree or are at an impasse, this formal examination is brought before a competent court of

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