
Bad News

I originally wrote this in 2011 and since that time the experience has occurred over and over again. It never gets easier. I was recently interpreting for a patient at a doctor’s appointment. The doctor entered the room and in a very clear, straight forward way, told the patient that he had tried everything he […]

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Medical Interpreter Accuracy

What exactly is accuracy when interpreting? This might seem like an obvious question, but it is more complicated than you realize.  Why do I say that? The challenge of identifying a competent interpreter For individuals that speak one language, trying to determine an interpreter’s accuracy is a great challenge. The best approach is to hire

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The Problem and Potential of Legal Interpreting

As a business owner, one thing I have noticed over many years is that Hispanics relocating to the U.S. will move wherever there is work. Back in the 1980s, central Florida was growing exponentially. I observed a massive influx of Hispanic workers. Over time, many set roots in the area. In time, many of the

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Medical Interpreting Options – Pros and Cons

As technology continues to advance, so have interpreting options.  When it comes to medical interpreting, access to an interpreter can mean the difference between life and death. Technology has created to possibility of access to interpreters that were once never available. However, (1) technology isn’t there yet and can be lacking, and (2) the infrastructure

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Consecutive, Simultaneous and Sight Interpreting in Court: When and Why

Certified and professional court interpreters utilize three different modes of interpretation under different circumstances. This article will discuss the different modes and explain why they are needed and when they are used. Consecutive Interpreting:  Consecutive interpreting allows the speaker (the source) to complete while the interpreter is attentively listening.  Once the interpreter has captured and

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How to Work with a Medical Interpreter

Although there are two national certification procedures for medical and healthcare interpreters, South Carolina does not have a regulation requiring their use. This results in many untrained bilingual people working as interpreters. Because they have not been properly educated or trained as healthcare interpreters, they often do things that professional interpreters would never do. This

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How do I schedule an interpreter because every SC county is different?

South Carolina has a unified court system.  However, many attorneys have asked us this question because South Carolina doesn’t seem to have a uniform standard system for scheduling interpreters.  For this reason, we would suggest always starting at the top. Court Administration:  This office was established in 1973 to assist the Chief Justice (currently Donald

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Our Legal Interpreting Statement

Has the accuracy of an interpreter ever been questioned? Have you struggled to find an interpreter who then fails to appear? Have you ever experienced interpreter-related delays?   Challenge Court interpreters practice in all legal areas.  Finding highly qualified, dependable, professional court interpreters often seems almost impossible. Money is lost every time an appointment is

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When Good People are Unethical – Confidentiality

Imagine this. Instead of hiring a professional interpreter who is familiar with and cognizant of the code of ethics, an untrained bilingual person is hired to simply cover the assignment. Without proper knowledge and training, the bilingual person serving as an “interpreter” will most likely unconsciously commit serious ethical violations while at the same time

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Conference or Liaison Interpreter: What’s the difference?

Finding an Interpreter is similar to finding a doctor or lawyer. Imagine walking up to someone and telling them, “I need a lawyer!” Most likely the response would be another question such as “What kind of lawyer? If you were to reply, “No I need a lawyer, any lawyer,” there would be a problem. Why?

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