workers comp.

Interpreting at Aquatic Therapy

A number of years ago, I was assigned for the first time to interpret for a patient receiving aquatic therapy. I was in a large, indoor, aquatic center. The atmosphere was quite warm in order to keep the swimmers comfortable. I stood uncomfortable, sweating profusely on the side of the pool shouting instructions to the […]

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When the interpreter has to deal with someone flirting

I originally wrote this in 2012. I find it funny because it still happens from time to time. Sometimes the interpreter finds himself in very unusual circumstances.  I have talked about the uncomfortable feeling of interpreting vulgar language. How about interpreting for someone inappropriately flirting? A while back, I was assigned to interpret for a

When the interpreter has to deal with someone flirting Read More »

“That’s how I lost my last interpreter!”

One day, after introducing myself to a new patient, he began to rattle off a list of issues he wanted me to later tell the doctor. He detailed all his pains and trepidations, and urged me to address all of them with the doctor. I explained that if he needed to write down all his

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Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said.

Interpreters must be diligent in following ethical guidelines. A while back, I was assigned to interpret at a doctor’s office.  When I arrived and introduced myself to the patient, he stated, “I already have an interpreter!”  The interpreter entered the office, wondering why I was there.  A few moments later, a nurse case manager came

Counting Words! Why interpreters should not add to what is said. Read More »

Things many Medical interpreters do that are not in the job description

Often, I hear complaints about good interpreters because they rigidly stick to their job description. This blog might get me in trouble with some of my colleagues, but I think it is worth a discussion. Completing medical forms There have been times that I have been told that a certain interpreter refused to help fill

Things many Medical interpreters do that are not in the job description Read More »

My bad note taking experience

Healthcare interpreters are encouraged to become proficient at note taking. I have found note taking especially useful when I must remember dates and numbers. For this reason, I have been studying on how to take better and faster notes. I plan to even take a class on the subject at some point soon. I have

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The Problem and Potential of Legal Interpreting

As a business owner, one thing I have noticed over many years is that Hispanics relocating to the U.S. will move wherever there is work. Back in the 1980s, central Florida was growing exponentially. I observed a massive influx of Hispanic workers. Over time, many set roots in the area. In time, many of the

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How to Work with a Medical Interpreter

Although there are two national certification procedures for medical and healthcare interpreters, South Carolina does not have a regulation requiring their use. This results in many untrained bilingual people working as interpreters. Because they have not been properly educated or trained as healthcare interpreters, they often do things that professional interpreters would never do. This

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How do I schedule an interpreter because every SC county is different?

South Carolina has a unified court system.  However, many attorneys have asked us this question because South Carolina doesn’t seem to have a uniform standard system for scheduling interpreters.  For this reason, we would suggest always starting at the top. Court Administration:  This office was established in 1973 to assist the Chief Justice (currently Donald

How do I schedule an interpreter because every SC county is different? Read More »

What Are The Direct and Hidden Costs of Workplace Injuries?

Tony Rosario worked in construction as a roofer. He slipped and fell off the roof, resulting in a head injury and some broken bones. Due to his injuries, workers’ comp. insurance covered all his medical expenses.  What sort of medical expenses? Direct costs Hospital cost, doctor visits, testing such as X rays, and MRIs, physical

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