Workers compensation

One of my most difficult medical interpreter moments part 5

When I incorporated my business over 13 years ago in addition to providing medical interpretation, I also provided transport services. At the end of 2019, our company discontinued transportation services. It was common for me to pick up patients, transport them to and from their appointments, and then serve as their interpreter. However, sometimes agencies […]

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One of my most difficult medical interpreter moments part 4

A worker suffered a rotator cuff injury. Rotator cuffs can be especially painful and often take a long time to heal. As a healthcare interpreter, I have seen patients who excessively protect their injury. The arm becomes stiff and cannot be raised. Typically, they must sedate him and manipulate the arm. In layperson terms, rip

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Difficult Medical Interpreter Moments Part 3B (Turning Point)

On this occasion, the doctor entered the room and ask the patient if he was a citizen of these United States of America. In an appropriate and humble manner, the patient responded that although he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a permanent resident with the paperwork to prove it. The

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Difficult Medical Interpreter Moments Part 3 (Turning Point)

For workers’ compensation interpreting assignments, our company was often assigned injured workers for the duration of their claim. Additionally, because my company provides both healthcare and court interpreting, we would render services at the end of the claim. The following is one of the most heartbreaking experiences I ever had. I was assigned to interpret

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One of my Most Difficult Medical Interpreter Moments Part 2

A flagger worker was hit by a car. He suffered a broken arm and leg. I was called in to interpret for this patient. Eventually, the doctor determined that surgery would be needed to install a metal brace to keep a leg bone in place. Surgery was scheduled at an outpatient surgery center which required

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One of my most difficult medical interpreter moments.

There are moments that we never forget. These occasions often change our viewpoint and how we do things in the future. I thought it would be interesting to share just a few of those moments with you now. One day, I received a call from a nurse case manager who needed me at a hospital

One of my most difficult medical interpreter moments. Read More »

Interpreting at Aquatic Therapy

A number of years ago, I was assigned for the first time to interpret for a patient receiving aquatic therapy. I was in a large, indoor, aquatic center. The atmosphere was quite warm in order to keep the swimmers comfortable. I stood uncomfortable, sweating profusely on the side of the pool shouting instructions to the

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Social media and antisocial behavior

No doubt you are familiar with this scenario. You walk into a room and say hello to everyone.  No one responds, because they all seem to be zombies with their mouths slightly open and their complete attention on the television.  In fact you can just about say anything like “I quit my job” or “I

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Being watched by another interpreter!

From time to time, I find myself interpreting at an assignment and another interpreter observes. It is not the most comfortable feeling to have someone listen to everything you say, ready to point out any mistake that is made. This is the case sometimes when I have been assigned to interpret by the insurance company,

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When the interpreter has to deal with someone flirting

I originally wrote this in 2012. I find it funny because it still happens from time to time. Sometimes the interpreter finds himself in very unusual circumstances.  I have talked about the uncomfortable feeling of interpreting vulgar language. How about interpreting for someone inappropriately flirting? A while back, I was assigned to interpret for a

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