
Hospital and Workers Comp Interpreters – Why have 2?

It is common for workers’ compensation (WC) interpreters to be assigned to accompany a patient to all his medical visits. When they arrive at the doctor’s office, they discover that the doctor is affiliated with a hospital; therefore, a hospital interpreter is also provided.   By policy, the hospital must have its interpreter present to […]

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When Good People Interpreting Are Unethical

Imagine this scenario.  Instead of hiring a professional interpreter, familiar and cognizant of the code of ethics, an untrained bilingual person is hired to simply cover the assignment, a warm body.  Without proper knowledge and training, the bilingual person who interprets most likely will unconsciously commit serious ethical violations, all the while believing she is

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Retaining Conference Interpreting Solutions

Suppose for a moment that a two-day English-language medical conference on advancements in knee surgery will be held in Columbia, South Carolina in 2017.  Imagine that 200 medical doctors will attend.  However, 175 of them speak English and 25 speak French.  Additionally, on day two, a guest speaker from Madrid will present a two-hour session

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When a Court Interpreter Must Disclose a Potential Conflict of Interest

Recently, a Spanish-speaking friend of mine with limited English proficiency asked me to accompany him to court for a hearing.  Don’t worry, I didn’t interpret. No ethical principles were broken. I was there simply to provide moral support to my friend.   As it turned out, my wife Emily, a South Carolina certified court interpreter,

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Hospital vs. Workers’ Compensation Interpreter?

Most people reading this title would probably be somewhat perplexed. Aren’t hospital and workers’ compensation interpreters both healthcare interpreters under the same code of ethics? The answer to that question is yes!   If that is the case, then why would an opposing distinction be made between them? Shouldn’t there be a collaborative spirit among

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Does ATA have Conflicting Loyalties?

I have heard the following statement many times: “ATA has conflicting loyalties! It is a conflict of interest to have an association represent both interpreters/translators and agencies. I cannot warn others or complain about an agency’s bad practices on a forum because it is against the rules since agencies are also members.”

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What Is So Bad about Discussing Fees?

I have observed this scene countless times on social media and association conferences. A newbie colleague poses the question, “I don’t want to do our industry a disservice and charge too little. I was wondering, how much do you charge?” The response, “Oh no, no, we should not talk about prices!” Judging the excited, panicked

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Clashing Sentiments Regarding ATA Issues

Not long ago, I wrote a blog about current issues in the ATA. The dual purpose was to encourage members to evaluate the stated goals of the candidates and vote. A great effort was made to present the issues and to lay out facts uncovered from the ATA website. It stayed away from being judgmental

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Build your Tribe, Grow Your Business – Sales

In an earlier blog, I discussed marketing.  This one considers sales.  Not everyone agrees, but these methods have worked for me. Traditional sales calls tend to focus on features and benefits. You begin to list all your services, qualifications, training, ethical standards, professional associations, etc.  Guess what?  Usually, they don’t really care. You might bludgeon

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