interpreter ethics

When Worlds Collide: Workers’ Compensation and Hospital Interpreters (a personal experience)

I was at the hospital ready to interpret for a very nervous patient. For almost an entire year, I provided interpreting services for him at doctors’ appointments, physical therapy and even for medical tests.   I was the assigned interpreter when the doctor first ordered tests and prescribed physical therapy. After a while, the doctor […]

When Worlds Collide: Workers’ Compensation and Hospital Interpreters (a personal experience) Read More »

When a Court Interpreter Must Disclose a Potential Conflict of Interest

Recently, a Spanish-speaking friend of mine with limited English proficiency asked me to accompany him to court for a hearing.  Don’t worry, I didn’t interpret. No ethical principles were broken. I was there simply to provide moral support to my friend.   As it turned out, my wife Emily, a South Carolina certified court interpreter,

When a Court Interpreter Must Disclose a Potential Conflict of Interest Read More »

Hospital vs. Workers’ Compensation Interpreter?

Most people reading this title would probably be somewhat perplexed. Aren’t hospital and workers’ compensation interpreters both healthcare interpreters under the same code of ethics? The answer to that question is yes!   If that is the case, then why would an opposing distinction be made between them? Shouldn’t there be a collaborative spirit among

Hospital vs. Workers’ Compensation Interpreter? Read More »

Are Agencies the Evil Enemy?

My wife and I have heard some diabolical nicknames when referring to certain agencies. Some people I talk to would agree, while others defend them. I personally tend to view both sides and fall in a different place. Evil Enemy Perspective

Are Agencies the Evil Enemy? Read More »

Does ATA have Conflicting Loyalties?

I have heard the following statement many times: “ATA has conflicting loyalties! It is a conflict of interest to have an association represent both interpreters/translators and agencies. I cannot warn others or complain about an agency’s bad practices on a forum because it is against the rules since agencies are also members.”

Does ATA have Conflicting Loyalties? Read More »

What Is So Bad about Discussing Fees?

I have observed this scene countless times on social media and association conferences. A newbie colleague poses the question, “I don’t want to do our industry a disservice and charge too little. I was wondering, how much do you charge?” The response, “Oh no, no, we should not talk about prices!” Judging the excited, panicked

What Is So Bad about Discussing Fees? Read More »

How do you Envision Public Relations for ATA?

For several years, I have been following a very vibrant discussion about ATA’s need for Public Relations. In fact, during the opening statement of the 2014 conference in Chicago, President Caitlin Walsh announced, “We are listening to our members and have now hired a professional PR person!” This grand proclamation delighted everyone and set a

How do you Envision Public Relations for ATA? Read More »

Highlights From the 2015 CATI Conference

This year, the CATI conference occurred on 3/14/15, Pi day. This summit is so important to me, I actually missed a Greenville, South Carolina event, Pieapalooza. Every year on pi day, a group of colleagues attend this event bearing their best attempt at a delicious pie. We all eat each other’s pies and choose our

Highlights From the 2015 CATI Conference Read More »

10 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition for Language Freelancers

In the fictional universe of Star Trek, there exists a race of entrepreneurs known for earning great profit! They are known as the Ferengi. Their ethics are questionable and by no means trustworthy. Their prime and only goal in life is to become rich. As a race, they are quite successful reaching it. They religiously

10 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition for Language Freelancers Read More »

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