Safety Culture

What Are The Direct and Hidden Costs of Workplace Injuries?

Tony Rosario worked in construction as a roofer. He slipped and fell off the roof, resulting in a head injury and some broken bones. Due to his injuries, workers’ comp. insurance covered all his medical expenses.  What sort of medical expenses? Direct costs Hospital cost, doctor visits, testing such as X rays, and MRIs, physical […]

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The Cost of Workers’ Compensation Insurance Premiums?

A total of 4,836 workers died from an occupational injury in 2015. Also, there were a shocking 1,153,490 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work. Workers’ compensation insurance pays for occupational injury and illness which is why companies buy the insurance.  Often, it is an employer’s single most expensive line of coverage.

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Overcoming language problems at work

By Jeff Alfonso This article is posted with permission from LATINO NEWSPAPER. It was originally published on August 10, 2017 in issue #393 Latino workers comprise 15% of the workforce in the United States. In construction, the average is 30% and can even be higher among roofers. Other industries also employ a higher percentage of

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¿Qué recursos tienen los obreros latinos bajo la ley?

Por Jeff Alfonso Se publica este artículo con el consentimiento del periódico LATINO NEWSPAPER, donde se publicó originalmente el 21 de julio de 2017, vol. 390 Hay numerosos recursos disponibles a la comunidad latina.  A veces, no nos hemos enterado de ellos.  Por todo Carolina de Sur, muchas organizaciones brindan ayuda al público hispanoparlante.  He

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¿Qué derechos otorga la ley a los obreros latinos?

Por Jeff Alfonso Se publica este artículo con el consentimiento del periódico LATINO NEWSPAPER, donde se publicó originalmente el 13 de julio de 2017, vol. 389 Conocer es poder.  Este artículo delinea los derechos legales que goza todo obrero bajo la Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de 1970.  Primero, repasemos el Resumen del Censo

¿Qué derechos otorga la ley a los obreros latinos? Read More »

Mayor Riesgo de Lesiones y Muerte de Obreros Latinos

Por Jeff Alfonso Se publica este artículo con el consentimiento del periódico LATINO NEWSPAPER, donde se publicó originalmente el 23 de junio de 2017, vol. 1070 El último informe del Departamento de Trabajo EE.UU. demuestra que, en 2016, los latinos forman 30 por ciento de la mano de obra de construcción estadounidense.  Hay más de

Mayor Riesgo de Lesiones y Muerte de Obreros Latinos Read More »

Higher Risk of Injury and Death for Latino Workers

By Jeff Alfonso This article is posted with permission from LATINO NEWSPAPER. It was originally published on June 23, 2017 in issue #1070   The latest research from the U.S. Department of Labor shows that in 2016, Hispanics comprised 30% of the United State construction workforce.  There are over 10 million construction workers nationwide; 3

Higher Risk of Injury and Death for Latino Workers Read More »

Alfonso Interpreting Partners with Peak Safety Performance

Peak Safety Performance is a leading full-service safety consulting company in South Carolina. Its mission is to build a high-performance contractor safety culture in the South Carolina Upstate. Alfonso Interpreting has a special focus in providing Spanish-language safety training. Jeff Alfonso is an authorized OSHA® construction and industry outreach trainer and is fluent in both

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Cost of Workplace Injuries: Direct Cost vs. Indirect Cost

Direct costs: Tony Rosario worked in construction. He was on a roof wearing his fall protection. As the morning began to heat up, he crossed over to the other side of the roof where he had kept his water bottle. On the other side of the roof, his safety line had a lot of slack;

Cost of Workplace Injuries: Direct Cost vs. Indirect Cost Read More »

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