Workers compensation

When Worlds Collide: Workers’ Compensation and Hospital Interpreters (a personal experience)

I was at the hospital ready to interpret for a very nervous patient. For almost an entire year, I provided interpreting services for him at doctors’ appointments, physical therapy and even for medical tests.   I was the assigned interpreter when the doctor first ordered tests and prescribed physical therapy. After a while, the doctor […]

When Worlds Collide: Workers’ Compensation and Hospital Interpreters (a personal experience) Read More »

Hospital vs. Workers’ Compensation Interpreter?

Most people reading this title would probably be somewhat perplexed. Aren’t hospital and workers’ compensation interpreters both healthcare interpreters under the same code of ethics? The answer to that question is yes!   If that is the case, then why would an opposing distinction be made between them? Shouldn’t there be a collaborative spirit among

Hospital vs. Workers’ Compensation Interpreter? Read More »

Build your Tribe, Grow your Business engaging.

Let’s face it; the likelihood of obtaining clients by just attending a networking event is not very good. You have to engage them in an effective way. If you are too social, they will just consider you a friend and not necessarily someone with whom they should collaborate in business. If you are strictly business,

Build your Tribe, Grow your Business engaging. Read More »

A Path to Wealth: Synergistic Tribes

The previous blog discussed marketing through tribe building. That articled discussed the collaborative tribe. However, the key to growing requires another type of tribe. The second type of clan is revolves around our chosen target market. Synergistic Tribe:

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“You will come running back to us, you’ll see!”

Those were the words uttered to me by a representative of one of the largest national interpretation agencies about five years ago. What led to those words, and did they become reality? A determination of who I am and what I shall become.

“You will come running back to us, you’ll see!” Read More »

Seeking Answers to my Workers’ Comp Insurance Company Frustrations

In the workers’ compensation industry, large insurance companies tend to have a policy to hire only national interpreting agencies. These agencies typically contract out to the cheapest unqualified bilingual labor they can find. The agencies do this so that they can reduce expenses and increase profit. The result is an industry rife with untrained, unskilled

Seeking Answers to my Workers’ Comp Insurance Company Frustrations Read More »

Why don’t more professionals demand quality interpreters?

I have been told by physical therapists that they prefer our services much better than the present interpreter with whom they are forced to work.  Why do they prefer us? Because our interpreters are always next to the patient, attentive, and ready to interpret. They tell me that the other interpreters tend to sit in

Why don’t more professionals demand quality interpreters? Read More »

How Case Managers Can Work with Interpreters – Part III

This entry will conclude my three-part series on effective relations between the case manager and the interpreter. Role Boundaries:  “The interpreter maintains the boundaries of the professional role, refraining from personal involvement.”  We discussed this a little, but another issue merits consideration.  Some case managers will ask the interpreter to relay messages if the patient

How Case Managers Can Work with Interpreters – Part III Read More »

How Case Managers Can Work with Interpreters – Part II

In Part II of case managers and interpreters working together, I highlight a few misunderstood points. Accuracy: The principle is that “Interpreters strive to render the message accurately, conveying the content and spirit of the original message, taking into consideration the cultural context.”  Some case managers are annoyed and confused when I repeat the same

How Case Managers Can Work with Interpreters – Part II Read More »

Agency Needs an Interpreter in 5 Minutes Across Town

An unfortunate reality is the last-minute rush job. It’s a fact of life, at times, unavoidable. It makes sense to prepare for such eventualities. I take pride in handling these matters efficiently for my great clients. These are the direct clients that are happy to pay what we are worth. They pay promptly and are

Agency Needs an Interpreter in 5 Minutes Across Town Read More »

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