Jeffrey Alfonso

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Reasons why you should not hire a qualified professional interpreter.

My contemporaries shamelessly self-promote and provide their own delusional reasons as to why only qualified professional interpreters (themselves) should be hired. How ridiculous is that! They use words such as ethics, standards or worse yet, liability to strong-arm potential clients to use them instead of saving tons of money using Google translate or the extraordinary […]

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Social media versus real life

Ask any old-timer averse to social media and technology how they develop new clients.  They will all tell you the old-fashioned way:  building relationships, networking in real life, with real people. ( Now with the corona virus this method has been impossible for many) Today technology has afforded us so many ways to connect with

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woman in black blazer talking on the phone

Bad News! The Adjuster

Imagine having the great responsibility for providing care to an injured worker. He isn’t just an injured worker, though. He is also a son, a loving husband, and a father or uncle that has always provided for his family. He is a good man, a hard worker, loyal and generally kind. He was an active

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Staying ahead of the curve.

Freelancers and business owners have one thing in common. In order to stay in business, they must stay ahead of the curve. Nothing in life ever stays the same. There are changes in the economy, law, technology, and demographics. A thriving business right now could become irrelevant in a few short years. Kodak was once

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Resisting the Urge to Help

When you think of an interpreter, most people think of someone that facilitates communication.  Although that is true, it is important to understand what interpreters should and should not do. Imagine this scenario.  A highly educated doctor is asking a series of questions to his patient that speaks little to no English.  The doctor uses

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Bad News! The nurse case manager.

Just like doctors, nurses have a code of ethics. They are advocates for the patient. Their goal is to help the patient recover. Case managers work for the insurance company. They are somewhat like mediators for the insurance company. They coordinate all the services the patient will need, a vital service for recovery. They help

Bad News! The nurse case manager. Read More »

Bad News from doctors

As mentioned in a previous post, lately I have had to interpret bad news to patients. It is one of those necessary responsibilities interpreters have to perform. For this post, I would like to talk about when the doctor has to give bad news. I have had many conversations with different doctors, some of whom

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Confirming Calls

Some of our clients will send us an e-mail with the name of the claimant and his contact info and saying “please take care of it.” I know what that means. It means that our company needs to contact the patient and get whatever information that is lacking in order to bill the case. It

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Alfonso Interpreting Featured on BBC News

Watch the BBC News article here. The economic downturn in the United States hit Hispanics more than any other demographic, and a new and strict immigration law saw many undocumented workers leaving the state and country altogether. I spent a day with BBC reporter Franz Strasser, showing him around Greenville, South Carolina. It’s funny how

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